Tiden i London er 5:33


The CV is a very important document in the job search process. It not only lists your qualifications and experience, but the neatness of its presentation portrays your image. For this reason we suggest that you do not present a handwritten CV as it can look messy and unprofessional. The CV should be about 1 to 2 pages in length and emphasis your computer literacy levels as these are important in most jobs these days.
Click here to download a UK-style CV template in RTF format.

Personal information

First name/s

Telephone number
Fax Number
E-mail Address
 if non EU, what visa will you be traveling on
Date of departure

Tertiary Qualifications

Tertiary institution attended
Period of attendance
Qualification obtained
Tertiary institution attended
Period of attendance
Qualification obtained

Employment History : (beginning with most recent)

Name of firm
Period of employment
Position held
Name of firm
Period of employment
Position held
Name of firm
Period of employment
Position held

Computer Skills : (including  packages and typing speed if applicable)

Bestill nå!

Short Term

1 day or more

Long Term

3 to 12 months